
Short term goals

  • Get glasses (NOOOO)
  • Make sure my newly planted fruit trees (2 fig, pomegranate, apple, pear, plum, and peach) do not die this critical first year
  • Get a small fall garden growing
  • Mentally prepare for the dual credit Biology class I will be teaching next year
  • Price out and plan how to either raise quail or rabbits for a sustainable source of organic home grown meat/eggs
  • Get more students interested in Science
Mid term goals

  • get more efficient at this whole teaching thing so it doesn't take so much of my bloody time
  • I would like to be growing/raising/hunting 25-35 percent of the food I eat
  • To hike the High Sierra Trail with my long time hiking partners - my dad and cousin
  • get a couple small side business ideas a try
  • take my dad on a hunting or fishing trip to Alaska
  • Get more students interested in Science
Long term goals

  • I grow 75 to 90 percent of the plant based food I eat (I don't have enough land to grow grain or rice)
  • I raise or hunt 100 percent of the meat I eat
  • Either spend my last few years employed in administration or a special position where this old man doesn't have to work so hard.
  • Hike the Pacific Crest Trail
  • Once I'm done with this whole teaching thing move up to Alaska and live like humans were meant to live...off the land 
  • Did I mention get more students interested in Science
I'm know there are more but I cant really think of any right now

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